What to Expect After Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

Brazilian butt lift is a cosmetic procedure that involves adding volume and shape to the backside. The procedure is different from buttock implants that involve inserting prosthetic implants to get the desired shape.

The BBL procedure is minimally invasive, but it does require an intense recovery period. Lasting results will depend on the aftercare. If you want to get a butt lift, you need to know what to expect after the surgery.

After Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure

BBL is a surgical procedure that involves fat transfer from one part of the body to the butt area. The procedure begins with the removal of fat from the hips, belly, or thighs using liposuction. The surgeon then processes and purifies the fat to make it easy to inject it into the fat cells.

They then inject the isolated fat into the patient's backside, creating the desired volume and shape. The procedure leaves the patient with a natural-looking butt while also enhancing the areas where the fat came from.

What to Expect After a BBL

After the BBL procedure, you will receive post-surgery instructions. It is critical to follow the instructions during the recovery period. You will receive a prescription for pain medication and a compression garment. During the initial days, patients will usually experience some pain, swelling, bruising, and general discomfort in the surgical areas.

There may be some fluid with blood leaking from the site. This is normal after the procedure. But if it appears excessive, talk to the surgeon immediately. All pain, draining, and bruising should go away a few days after the BBL procedure. Most people are up and about within one or two days.

Long-term Recovery After BBL

For the next eight weeks after the BBL procedure, it is necessary to follow the surgeon’s instructions for recovery. This will help ensure that you get the best long-term results. It is vital to wear a compression garment to protect the treated area.

The garment will help reduce discomfort and swelling while also speeding up the recovery and healing process. The garment will also help improve the skin's appearance through retraction.

Protecting the Surgical Area

Avoid sitting directly on the buttocks as this can slow the circulation of blood, destroying the fat cells. You should also avoid sitting for long periods and maintain some light activity throughout the day.

Reclining on the side or lying on the stomach is necessary during the recovery period. Some special pillows or cushions can help during this time. Avoid high-impact activities that can shake the butt area for at least six weeks.

BBL Recovery Timeline

It is vital to realize that regarding recovery, the process is different for each patient. Every patient will respond differently to the procedure. Recovery will depend on several factors, including the patient’s age, general or physical health, and the extent of surgery.

How often you wear the compression garment and how well your skin reacts will determine how fast you recover. It is necessary to follow a healthy diet during the recovery period.

To find out more on what to expect after Brazilian butt lift surgery, visit Aesthetic Surgical Associates at our office in Metairie, Louisiana. You can call 504-226-8200 today to schedule an appointment.