What Are the Different Types of Body Lift Procedures?

According to a study conducted several years ago, nearly 75 percent of women and men are not happy with their appearance. Reasons for this dissatisfaction range from unattractive teeth to excess fat to every possible flaw you can imagine. Unfortunately, focusing too much on your real or imagined defects can affect other areas of your life as well.

Another study found a direct link between body image and overall joy. Those satisfied with their appearance tend to be happier. However, many people are not so lucky. If this applies to you, you need to know that there is a way to achieve the type of body you want. You do not have to struggle with hours of exercise, failed diets, and questionable results.

Body Lift

Body Lift Surgery

The skin is the largest organ of the body and is very elastic. This elasticity comes with certain pros and cons. As you age, your skin’s elasticity will decrease, leaving you unattractive areas of your body with excess skin.

Also, when you gain weight, your skin will stretch to accommodate the extra body fat. On the other hand, when you lose some weight, your skin may be unable to revert to its former tightness. Body lift surgery can help remedy these problems. Some of the common types of body lift procedures include:

Thigh Lift

A thigh lift procedure, also known as thighplasty, aims to tighten and improve the appearance of thighs. Good candidates for this cosmetic procedure are people with flabby, dimpled, or saggy thighs, as well as those with a loss of skin elasticity. During the procedure, a cosmetic surgeon lifts the loose skin, dramatically improving the overall appearance of the patient’s thighs.

Arm Lift

Also known as Brachioplasty, an arm lift seeks to improve the appearance of sagging underarms. Cosmetic surgeons achieve this by removing extra skin, smoothing and tightening tissue, and getting rid of excess fat. This can improve the appearance of your upper arms by making them look more defined and toned.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, removes excess skin and fat from the midsection or abdomen. Often, cosmetic surgeons use a tummy tuck to restore or repair separated or weakened abdominal muscles to create a contoured and flat midsection.

Breast Lift

Also known as mastopexy, a breast lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed by plastic surgeons to change the shape of the breasts and raise them. During the procedure, the cosmetic surgeon removes excess skin and reshapes the breast tissue to raise sagging breasts.


This cosmetic procedure involves a suction technique to remove excess fat from certain areas of the body. These include the abdomen, neck, arms, buttocks, thighs, and hips. Liposuction also contours or reshapes these areas.

However, you need to understand that doctors do not consider liposuction an overall weight-loss alternative. So if you are overweight or obese, you will achieve better weight loss results through exercise, diet, or procedures such as gastric bypass surgery.

People undergo different types of body lift procedures to improve the tone and shape of their underlying body tissue. This is the tissue that supports skin and fat. Cosmetic surgeons also get rid of excess sagging skin and fat during a body lift procedure.

To learn more about body lift procedures, visit Aesthetic Surgical Associates at our office in Metairie, Louisiana. You can call 504-226-8200 or 504-309-7061 today to schedule an appointment.