Questions you Should Ask at Your Geneveve Consultation

happy patient with surgeon

If you are considering Geneveve for your vaginal rejuvenation procedure, you will undoubtedly have a number of different questions about various aspects of the procedure and its effects. It is important that you discuss these with your surgeon so that you are fully informed, and your mind is at rest ahead of your procedure.

Here are some of the questions that you should ask your chosen Geneveve cosmetic surgeon:

Am I a good candidate for Geneveve?

By far the most important question you can ask is whether or not you are a suitable candidate for Geneveve treatment. While women of any age can benefit from vaginal rejuvenation, if you plan on having children and delivering them vaginally in the future, you may want to hold off until your family is complete. There are also other health and cosmetic factors that your surgeon will need to consider before recommending you for Geneveve.

What will happen in my Geneveve procedure?

Fear of the unknown is one of the biggest problems with any surgery, and it can cause you to imagine a situation that is far worse than you are about to experience. Understanding exactly what will happen during Geneveve will help you feel relaxed and calm ahead of your procedure. Your surgeon will almost explain that the process is almost entirely painless, with most patients the only sensations they experience are mild heating and cooling.

Why are the benefits of choosing Geneveve?

Vaginal rejuvenation surgery is highly successful, so you may wonder what benefits you can expect to experience by choosing Geneveve instead. Some of the most commonly cited advantages include:

- Shorter treatment time

- Single session treatment

- Lack of invasiveness

- Eliminated need for anesthetic or pain relief

- Shorter recovery period with no downtime

- Reduced bladder leakage

- Improved comfort during intercourse

- Minimal risk since no invasive surgery is used

- Improved sexual satisfaction for yourself and your partner

- Increased confidence and self-esteem

- Long-lasting results

Your cosmetic surgeon will be happy to go through these benefits with you in greater detail.

How long will my treatment take?

One of the biggest benefits of Geneveve is that it can be performed in as little as 30 minutes, meaning that it is easy to fit into your schedule. Many women arrange their appointment for a lunch break or directly after they finish work.

How long will it take me to recover after Geneveve?

With increasingly busy lives juggling careers, families, and other responsibilities, choosing a treatment that has minimal downtime is extremely important for many women. Fortunately, Geneveve requires absolutely no downtime and you can go home immediately after your procedure. There is no need to take time off of work or to avoid any of your usual activities. Your surgeon will give you specific advice based on your individual circumstances.

How long will it take to see the results from my treatment?

Some patients do notice tightening immediately after their Geneveve surgery. However, the inner walls of your vagina will continue to tighten and strengthen during the weeks and months following your appointment and you will probably not see the maximum benefit from Geneveve until around 3-months post-treatment.

If you would like to learn more about Geneveve or would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Metzinger to discuss your candidacy, please contact our offices.
