Preparing for Liposuction

Liposuction Preparation

Many people who strive to improve their physical shape find that no matter how hard they diet and exercise, they are unable to create the body that they long for. Fat can be particularly stubborn in areas such as the thighs, stomach, bottom and hips. However, liposuction is not just limited to these areas and the evolution of Laser and Vaser lipo means that other parts of the body can be effectively targeted.

Successful liposuction shapes, tones and contours the body creating a more defined and desirable shape. Dr. Metzinger will consult with you to determine which type of lipo will come closest to meeting your expectations.

Before your Liposuction Surgery

There are a number of ways that you can prepare for your liposuction.

  • Stop smoking. Smoking is not good for your general health and can slow down healing after your procedure.
  • Avoid any medication containing aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for at least two weeks before your surgery as they increase the risk of bleeding.
  • If your surgery requires a general anaesthetic you will be required to have a pre-op appointment approximately two weeks before your procedure.

Your Liposuction Surgery

The exact format of your surgery will depend on which type of liposuction you and Dr. Metzinger have decided on.

Liposuction Recovery

Types of Liposuction

Which type of liposuction is suitable for you will be determined by the areas you wish to address and your desired outcome. Your medical history may also affect which procedure is right for you.

Traditional/Surgical Liposuction

Performed under a general anaesthetic, surgical liposuction is usually recommended for patients who wish to target their tummy, thighs, bottom or hips.

The surgery usually takes between 1 and 3 hours depending on the amount of fat to be removed. Dr. Metzinger will inject a salt water solution into the fatty area being treated, which will help to break up the deposits. Next, a thin metal tube called a cannula is inserted, which is attached to a vacuum pump or syringe which sucks the fat out. It may be necessary to insert the cannula multiple times to remove all the necessary fat. The incisions made by the cannula are very small, do not require sutures and will fade over time, leaving you with minimal scarring.

Laser Liposuction

Performed under a local anaesthetic, laser liposuction typically targets areas with less stubborn fat deposits, including the back, knees, upper arms and chin.

Similar to traditional surgical liposuction, once the area to be treated has been numbed, your surgeon will insert a cannula into your skin. However, in this procedure a thin laser fiber is inserted through the cannula. This fiber is used to ‘liquify’ the fat cells, which are then removed from the body using minimal suction. It may be necessary to insert the cannula multiple times to remove all the necessary fat. Again, the incisions made by the cannula are very small, do not require sutures and will fade over time, leaving you with minimal scarring.

Vaser Liposuction

Vaser liposuction can be performed under a general or local anaesthetic. It's most commonly used to treat fatty deposits in the back, knees, upper arms and stomach. It is also popular among men who wish to treat gynaecomastia.

All cells within our bodies naturally vibrate. Vaser – which stands for Vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance – lipo, speeds up this natural process which effectively breaks down fat cells, liquefying them and allowing them to be removed from the body through gentle suction. As with the other liposuction procedures, it may be necessary to insert the cannula multiple times to remove all the necessary fat. The incisions made by the cannula are very small, do not require sutures and will fade over time, leaving you with minimal scarring.


When you recover from any liposuction procedure you may be in some discomfort. Your medical team at Aesthetic Surgical Associates in Metairie, LA will be able to prescribe you something to alleviate any pain, and over the counter relief should suffice from there.

Your recovery time will depend on your procedure and is approximately as follows:

Surgical Liposuction

You may need to stay in the hospital overnight following your surgery, and recovery will take a minimum of one week; during which time you should refrain from anything more than light activity. You will need to wear a compression garment over the treated area between 6 and 8 weeks.

Laser Liposuction

You will be discharged the same day as your procedure, fully recovered within 2 to 3 days, and you will only need to wear your compression garment around a week.

Vaser Liposuction
You may need to stay in hospital overnight following your surgery, and recovery will take 4 to 5 days, with the need to wear a compression garment over the treated area for between 7 and 10 days. Vaser lipo is less invasive than traditional methods, and there is typically less scarring, bruising and blood loss.
If you have any questions or concerns during your recovery, contact Aesthetic Surgical Associates who will be happy to assist you.